
Day 209

Hiding from God

"And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3:19

Intrinsic to sin is a sense of shame. You see this in Genesis 3, "They knew they were naked and they hid."[1] Before sin Adam and Eve had nothing to hide. With the transgression came a loss of innocence. Most crime is committed under the cover of darkness. Instinctively children seek to hide whatever wrong they commit, either by lying about it or hiding the stolen object where it can't be found.

Occasionally you find people who, in an act of defiance, call evil good and openly confess and commit what others, in their embarrassment, seek to hide. The philosophy of "free love" a number of years ago encouraged open sin. People quickly fall beyond the pale of redemption when they lose their sense of shame when sinning. Paul, cataloguing the sins of the human race said, "they exchanged the truth about God for a lie."[2]

Never sanction or give approval to what God calls evil. When you cover disobedience with the cloak of righteousness, as for example with euthanasia, you engage in the most insidious form of hiding. God again and again calls to mind the foolishness of such endeavors, for although you can hide your motives and actions from people, you cannot hide them from God. He will bring them to light: "In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel."[3]

[1] Genesis 3:10
[2] Romans 1:25
[3] Romans 2:16

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